Our Twos Classroom bases its curriculum around the well-known fact that the majority of learning for two-year-olds takes place while playing. Play during this age is simultaneously your child’s full-time job and his hands-on education. Children get all the play and education their little hearts yearn for in our classroom setting. We also include daily outdoor play and activities, weather permitting.
What your two-year-old will learn at Kids Educational Center
- Singing songs
- Playing games
- Creating art
- Developing language and vocabulary skills
- And much more

The classroom focuses heavily on self-help skills, which include but are not limited to toilet training and dressing themselves. At this age parents often hear — “No, I do it!” from their children, showing how important independence and learning at this age is. Children will also start to experience structured large-group activities.
Two-year-olds have a sense of independence and are filled with a high level of curiosity for the world around them. Our teachers work to build trust with both you and your child, while also providing a sense of security and warmth to the classroom that keeps your kid coming back.