Nutritious Meals
Nutritious meals are an important part of healthy growth, education and development.
Along with receiving a quality education while having fun at Kids Educational Centers, we strongly advocate healthy eating, since it plays a vital role in the overall health and wellness of children. Learning how to eat healthy and what constitutes a healthy meal is also part of the overall objective at our centers. Eating healthy is a skill that will help children develop into healthy adults; physically, emotionally and psychologically.
We strive to provide nutritious meals and snacks that also taste good to children. The meals we serve are not only healthy, but are safe and portioned appropriately for each age group. The menu at each center meets federal and state requirements and also adheres to USDA guidelines (United States Department of Agriculture).
Every week our menus are posted at each center. This allows parents to play an active role in the healthy eating habits of their children in order to help promote healthy eating habits and growth. Together we can instill a healthy eating mindset and attitude in the children who attend our centers.

Healthy Eating
Healthy eating includes eating a variety of foods from all of the food groups so that the children at our centers receive energy and nutrition from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. All of the meals served fall within recommended guidelines for total calories for each age group and level of activity. The sources of food include meat, bread, grains, vegetables, fruit and milk.
With regards to fat intake, a healthy diet includes fat but not to exceed 35% total calories from fat; 10% calories from saturated fat and a minimal amount of trans-fat. All of our meals are also moderate in sugar and salt ingredients. We follow all of the current dietary guidelines.